For Peab, it is important that you feel confident that we are processing your personal data in a manner that is secure and in compliance with the relevant laws. We want to be as open and transparent as possible with how we collect and process your personal information.
This page gives you comprehensive information about how Peab processes personal data. The use of "Peab", "we", "our and"us" in the following means all companies within the Peab group.
At the bottom of this page you will find more detailed information about how we process your personal data when you get in touch with us in different situations.
Peab cares about your privacy and we therefore always strive to protect your personal data in the best way possible and to comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations at all times.
If you have any questions about how we process your personal data or if you wish to claim any of your rights in relation to how we process your personal data, please feel free to contact us by mail at: Peab AB, FAO: Peabs Dataskyddsombud (Data Protection Officer), Margretetorpsvägen 84, SE-269 73 Förslöv. You can also contact us by e-mail at
Who is the personal data controller for the processing of your personal data?
Various companies within the Peab Group are personal data controllers for the processing of your personal data. The Peab company that is responsible for the processing of your personal data in a specific situation depends on how you get in touch with Peab and what the processing covers. To learn more about which Peab company is responsible for the processing of your personal data, please see the more detailed information below.
What personal data do we process about you?
Peab collects personal data about you when, for instance, you sign up for a newsletter on Peab’s website, fill out an expression of interest form for any of Peab’s residential housing projects, attend any of our sales activities, trade fairs or events, when you contact Peab’s exchange or contact us through any of our contact forms or get in touch with us in any other way.
Peab only processes the personal data necessary to fulfil certain specific purposes, which means that Peab processes different personal data in different situations. For example, personal data that Peab process may concern your name, e-mail address, telephone number, postal address, date of birth and/or any other information that you have provided to us, or otherwise is necessary in order for us to be able to fulfil our commitments or run our operations.
Why and with what legal support do we process your personal data?
Peab processes your personal data for a variety of different purposes in different situations. Primarily to fulfil our commitments, to provide good service and well-functioning, efficient and easy to access services.
To be able to process your data, Peab must have a legal basis for processing. This means that in order for our processing to be lawful, it is required, for example, that it is necessary in order to fulfil the obligations in an agreement with you, or that is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation. The processing of your personal data may also be based on a balance of interests, where we have made the assessment that our interest in processing your personal data is greater than your interest or fundamental rights and freedoms. In certain instances, Peab may require your consent before processing your personal data. When you provide your consent in these instances, you will always receive clear and specific information about what you are consenting to and how you should proceed to revoke your consent.
You can read more about the purposes for which Peab processes your personal data and the legal basis Peab has for each personal data processing in the detailed information below.
Who has access to your personal data?
As a starting point, your personal data is only processed by Peab. In certain situations, when necessary, we share your personal data with parties who process the personal data as personal data controllers.
We also share your personal data with our IT suppliers, who process your personal data on our behalf as our personal data processors. Our IT suppliers will only process your personal data in accordance with our instructions, to fulfil their obligations towards us.
How long will your data be retained?
Peab retains your data for as long as it is necessary in the light of the purposes we collect it for or for the time we are required to do so by law, regulation or government decision, or otherwise by what is provided as industry practices.
Your rights
You have certain rights in relation to our personal data processing. Most of your rights under GDPR are listed below. The rights applicable to you depend on the specific personal data processing. For information about your rights in relation to specific processing, see the detailed information below.
Right to revoke consent
If you have given your consent to a particular processing of your personal data, you may revoke all or part of your consent at any time.
Right to access
You have the right to receive a confirmation of whether we are processing your personal data and if so, you are entitled to receive information about how the personal data is processed (for example, information on the purposes of the processing and the applicable categories of personal data processing). You are also entitled to receive a copy of the personal data we process.
Right to rectification and right to object to processing
You have the right to have incorrect personal data corrected and to supplement incomplete personal data without undue delay (for example, if you have changed your phone number). You may also object to personal data processing based on a balance of interests at any time.
Right to deletion (right to be forgotten) and right to limitation of processing
You may, under certain conditions, be entitled to request that your personal data be deleted. Such conditions exist, for example, if the personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed, or where the personal data has been unlawfully processed. You also have the right to request that the processing of your personal data be limited, for example if you believe we are processing incorrect personal data. We may then limit our processing during the period of our control if the personal data is incorrect or not.
Right to complain
You have the right to complain about our processing of your personal data to the relevant supervisory authority. Submit any such complaint to the supervisory authority of the EU/EEA Member State where you have your habitual residence, where you work or where a violation of applicable data protection laws and regulations is alleged to have occurred. The relevant supervisory authority in Sweden is Datainspektionen (The Swedish Data Protection Authority)
Right to data portability
You have the right to obtain your personal data in a structured, widely used and machine-readable format from us. You also have the right to have your personal data transferred to another company when technically possible ("data portability").
The right to data portability applies to personal data you have provided to us in a structured, widely used and machine-readable format if the processing is based on your consent or on a contract and the processing is automated.