During the period up to the next AGM the Board of Directors of Peab AB (publ) are authorized to decide on new issue of B shares, (i) with preferential rights for existing shareholders to participate or (ii) without preferential rights for existing shareholders, in connection to company acquisitions. New issues may be made with or without payment in kind, offsetting or other conditions stipulated in the chapter 13, section 5, first paragraph 6 of the Swedish Companies Act.
This authorization may be used on one or more occasions and correspond at the most to a total of 10 percent of the registered share capital at the time of authorization. New issues must be based on ordinary market terms.
If the use of the authorization regarding new issues is combined with the use of authorization regarding repurchasing and transferring own shares, with the intention to use company shares as a part of or as the entire purchase price for one particular company acquisition, the total number of shares issued and transferred in connection to the particular acquisition may not exceed a tenth of the total number of shares in the company at the time the authorization to issue new shares was decided.