Peab has been commissioned to renovate and extend the Members of Parliament Building. The customer is Riksdagsförvaltningen and the contract is worth SEK 615 million.
The project entails a complete renovation of the entire building which includes replacing all the technical systems with new ones as well as a new five-story building.
The commission is a traditional contract in cooperation where Peab will participate in the detailed planning. Production is planned to start in the first quarter of 2019 and the building is expected to be ready for occupancy in April 2021.
“As the Nordic community builder we are particularly pleased to participate in the renovation of one of the most important buildings in Sweden and construction of a part of the country’s future House of Parliament,” says Lars Enroth, Region Manager Peab.
The Members of Parliament Building is one of several buildings that contain space for members of Parliament. This renovation is part of a larger refurbishing of Parliament buildings in Stockholm that will take place over the next 15-20 years.
The project will be order registered in the third quarter of 2018.
Picture: The Members of Parliament Building seen from Mynttorget. Photographer: Jessica Bodin
For further information, please contact:
Lars Enroth, Region Manager Peab, +46 733- 37 20 52
Kajsa Jacobsson, Press Officer Peab, +46 725-33 34 84