Peab has been commissioned to build a new bridge over Tärendo River in Norrbotten. The customer is the Swedish Transport Administration and the contract is worth SEK 111 million.
The new bridge over Tärendo River will be 152 meters long and constructed out of both steel and concrete with support anchored in the river. It will be eight meters wide and have a higher carrying capacity than the existing bridge. This means that the current traffic light will be removed and it will become possible for all kinds of vehicles to pass each other. The project also includes building new connecting roads to the bridge and widening and strengthening the existing stretch of road. All in all the project comprises more than four kilometers of roadway. During construction the old bridge will be open for traffic. When the new bridge is ready the old one will be torn down, which is also part of the project.
“Naturally we are very happy to contribute to a road with better traffic safety and passability and thereby to the mining industry and a vibrant rural community. One of the challenges in this project is that traffic has to pass by our workplace and this therefore puts high demands on ensuring the safety of our employees,” says Jörgen Eriksson, Region Manager at Peab.
The construction contract is part of the Swedish Transport Administration’s project Ore Transportation Kaunisvaara–Svappavaara and consists of several stages. Because of mining in the area heavy trucks have increased on the stretch Kaunisvaara–Svappavaara and the carrying capacity and standard of the existing roads are not high enough to handle the heavy transportation. The roads are being rebuilt for better traffic safety and passability.
The project is a turnkey contract. Construction will begin in February 2021 and is expected to be completed in the summer of 2023.
The project will be order registered in the fourth quarter 2020.
For further information, please contact:
Jörgen Eriksson, Region Manager Peab, +46 733- 37 18 03
Juha Hartomaa, Head of Investor Relations Peab, +46 725 33 31 45