Peab has agreed to sell four tenancy projects for a total of SEK 824 million

Peab has signed a contract to sell four tenancy projects for a total of SEK 824 million all of which will be on Peab’s own balance sheet under construction and then finished and turned over in 2023.

Peab has signed a contract to sell four tenancy projects with a total of 312 apartments for a total value of SEK 824 million. The four projects consist of 84 apartments in Botkyrka, 79 apartments in Västerås, 108 apartments in Eskilstuna and 41 apartments in Trollhättan.

The project Flottiljen in Botkyrka is sold to Niam, the project Poseidon in Västerås and Fristaden in Eskilstuna are sold to Podium Fastigheter AB and the project in Traversen in Trollhättan is sold to Fortinova Fastigheter AB.

All the tenancy projects will be on Peab’s own balance sheet under construction and will be recognized in profit/loss when turned over in 2023.

“The strong demand for rentals has provided us with a good opportunity for developing property as tenancy projects. By putting both tenant-owned apartments and apartments for rent on the market in the coming years we are creating a good foundation for Peab Project Development’s business along with that of the other business areas in the Group. Naturally we are also happy that we can contribute to the variety of residences in more municipalities,” says Göran Linder, Peab Project Development Business Area Manager.


Illustration Trollhättan: Confekton Arkitekter 

Other illustrations: wec360 (In Västerås the tenancy projects are represented by the shadowed volumes)



For further information, please contact:

Daniel Ferreira, Head of Media and Communication Peab Project Development, +46 725 33 50 86

Juha Hartomaa, Head of Investor Relations Peab, +46 725 33 31 45

Göran Linder, affärsområdeschef Peab

Traversen Trollhättan Contekton Arkitekter Fyrstad

Poseidon Västerås wec360 OBS de skuggade volymerna är hyresrätterna

Flottiljen Botkyrka wec360

Fristaden Eskilstuna wec360



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